Supercharge Any Trading Strategy With Predictive Structure
Structure Lab data mines market structure variables like Distance, Duration, Direction, Trend, Churn (volume), Breaks of Structure, and Liquidity Sweeps to unlock never before seen behavioral probabilities that can be incorporated into any strategy for better performance.
Automatically sorts market structure into Trend and Counter Trend phases and displays behavioral tendencies so that you can accurately anticipate market shifts and extract more reward on each trade.
No more static profit targets.
Structure Lab helps you identify the highest probability POI's, FVG's, and Order blocks. Know when to expect a break of structure, where to expect liquidity sweeps, and avoid unnecessary losses that pull your performance down.
Game Changing Statistical Analysis Made Easy
Data Driven Confidence
Private Tradingview Toolkit
Boost Your Strike Rate
Strike rate = accurate trades. Accurate trades occur more when probabilities are on your side.
Stop Wasting Time and Money
Hear Real Traders...
Jim R.
Verified Structure Lab User
Mark N.
Verified Structure Lab User